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Dr.Ashvini Padhye

Periodontist & Implantologist
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  • Diabetes and Dental Implants - Evidence based approach


Podium Seminar

Title : Ramifications, Rectification & Regeneration – Hard Tissue Augmentation Demystified

Hard tissue augmentation procedures have become increasingly popular in modern dentistry, allowing for the reconstruction and enhancement of deficient or damaged bone structures to optimize function and esthetics around implants. These techniques offer promising outcomes, however, as with any surgical intervention, complications can arise during or after the procedure, requiring careful management to ensure optimal patient outcomes.

This presentation aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the complications that can occur in various hard tissue augmentation procedures and outline effective strategies for their management. The range of potential complications that can arise during or after these procedures include, infection, graft failure, wound dehiscence, nerve injuries, lack of soft tissue and esthetic challenges. By understanding the underlying cause, risk factors and clinical presentation of these complications, clinicians can proactively identify and address them in a timely manner. This clinically oriented presentation will discuss the importance of pre-operative planning, patient selection, meticulous surgical techniques and delve into the various evidence -based management approaches for such complications,

A comprehensive understanding of the potential challenges associated with these procedures and acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate and mitigate complications, ultimately improving patient outcomes and satisfaction is the key to success with hard tissue augmentation.


Date Topics Slot Venue
27 Nov 2023  Ramifications, Rectification & Regeneration – Hard Tissue Augmentation Demystified Podium Seminars 04:00 PM - 04:30 PM Hall 1
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